We are an employee-owned, academe linked, Filipino engineering consulting company based inside the University of the Philippines Campus in Diliman, Quezon City. We currently have thirty-one (31) shareholders, sixteen (16) of which have involvement as Professors or Senior Lecturers with the UP Institute of Civil Engineering, the UP National Engineering Center and the National Institute of Geological Sciences. As of December 2020, ten (10) Shareholders have doctorate degrees, and fiteen (15) have master's degrees.

AMH now has more than 150 full-time Senior, Mid-Level and Support Staff – both technical and administrative – housed in offices inside the University of the Philippines Campus and two extension offices.

The synergy of advanced academic training and professional industry experience has enabled us to undertake more than a thousand projects in the past 5 years . Among them are of various scales across a wide range of civil engineering disciplines, including comprehensive site evaluation studies, traditional services such as building systems, civil works/land development design and construction management, and specialized services such as modeling and assessment work for coastal environments and slopes.

These projects have also brought key and support staff to many locations within the Philippine archipelago, from Ilocos in the north, to General Santos in the south.

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