Project Title
Geotechnical Assessment of Twin Lakes Vineyard Residences
Global-Estate Resorts, Inc.
Laurel, Batangas
Global-Estate Resorts, Inc. (GERI), a powerhouse in tourism development in the country, engaged AMH Philippines, Inc. to perform slope stability analysis for Twin Lakes Vineyard Residences. To establish the existing subsurface conditions of the site, a geotechnical investigation was conducted. The resilts of the investigation and assessment led to the formulation of remediation measures, which included the provision of permanent soil-nailed walls with precast panels, mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls, and gabion walls. In the dseign and calculations, AMH used propriety software Rocscience SLIDE, and AMH-developed MATHCAD spreadsheets.
AMH also performed the detailed engineering design of the slope protection measures for the development.