Numerical modelling of wave penetration into a lake marina harbor with multiple entrances
Author: Andrei Raphael P. Dita, Eric C. Cruz
Presenter: (For presentation)
A marina for small craft vessels is being proposed to be built in Caliraya Lake situated ~290m above Mean Sea Level (maMSL). The lake is primarily used as a reservoir for a hydroelectric power plant catering to Metro Manila and nearby provinces where numerous economic and government industries of the Philippines are located.
The water level of Caliraya Lake is not influenced by tidal fluctuations but instead by operational requirements of the hydroelectric power plant that it supplies. The normal high water level (NHWL) requirement of the power plant is published at 288maMSL while the minimum operating level (MOL) is set at 285.5maMSL. Due to the large water level fluctuation (2.5m), a floating marina structure was proposed. The floating marina shall be composed of pontoon elements with guide piles to provide lateral stability on the overall structure.
Based on the intended layout of the project proponent, the marina is accessed by two (2) entrances. This paper presents the analyses and hydraulic design of the lake marina primarily focusing on the simulative analysis of the penetration of wind waves through the multiple entrances and the propagation of boat-induced wake waves. A discussion of the vertical siting of the marina’s floating deck considering the tracking storms is also presented. The paper is relevant to port engineering as many ports in the Philippines and other places are designed with several entrances, and the interior is agitated by vessel wakes.
PIANC 10th International Conference and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC X). Manila, Philippines, 16-20 November 2020For inquiries on how to obtain a copy of our publications and technical papers, please feel free to send us an e-mail at