Coastal engineering design for a stable beach resort development along Davao Gulf

Author: Laurenz Luigi B. Cruz, Eric C. Cruz, Jose Carlo Eric L. Santos

Presenter: Laurenz Luigi B. Cruz

An island resort is currently being developed within Davao Gulf and one of its important features is a beach cove located southeast of the island. However, seasonal variations on the wave climate have caused extreme erosion within the area of interest. An investigative study on the cause of the severe erosions has thus been conducted in order to formulate mitigating measures protect the beach. A review of the prevailing wave climate shows that this severe erosion can be attributed to southerly waves. Waves coming from this direction causes pronounced agitation of the seabed resulting in sediments smaller than 5 to 20mm to be unstable and eroded. Discussions with the developer leads to the beach engineering solution in the form of two (2) shore attached breakwaters and an offshore breakwater. The proposed solution shall protect the beach area and minimize the wave forces and allow smaller fine-sized sediments to be much stable.


Twenty-eight (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 2018 June 10-15. International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE)

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